Valikko Sulje


Varsinais-Suomen monikulttuuristen yhdistysten liitto ry:n muodostaa 20 jäsenjärjestöä. Jäseninä voivat olla
 kotoutumista, maahanmuuttajien omaa kulttuuria, monikulttuurisuutta, kansainvälisyyttä sekä yhdenvertaisuutta ja ihmisoikeuksia toiminnallaan edistävät rekisteröidyt yhdistykset sekä oikeuskelpoiset yhteisöt, jotka toimivat liiton tarkoitusperien toteutumiseksi.


Turku Nepal Association (TNA) was established in 2014 as a nonprofit organization with the aim of organizing cultural and social events to promote Nepal and Nepalese community residing in Turku, Finland.


StepEurope ry is a youth focused international organisation that was established in 2015. 

The organisation’s main objective is to activate young people and help them to develop their potential. To achieve this objective, they arrange youth exchanges, organize and participate in workshops and training, have regular meetings and offer internship and volunteer work. 


Varsinais-Suomen Viro-keskus ry is an association of Estonia’s friends. The association promotes Estonia in Finland and Finland in Estonia. The association provides tourist information on Estonia, organizes events, seminars, concerts and trips as well as various projects.

Website,  FacebookGoogle+


Together Association ry was established in 1998 by Finns and immigrants. The goal of the association is to promote diversity, support social integration and improve the job opportunities of immigrants. The association maintains the Intercultural Center in Varissuo, as multicultural meeting place.


Umu’IGBO Finland ry is cultural group from Eastern part of Nigeria. The association main purpose is to promote culture and language. They have different events like celebrating the different Igbo cultural activities, music, dance, food.


The association organises events and language classes.

Website, Facebook

Nigeria - Wikipedia

The aim of the association is to help the Russian-speaking people in Turku to integrate into the Finnish society while maintaining their culture and language.

The association organises cultural, educational, publicity and project activities and works with children, youths and pensioners.

Website, Facebook

Turun vietnamilaisten kulttuurikerho was established in 1989 with the goal of maintaining vietnamese culture by teaching Vietnamese language and culture. At the same time the association aids vietnamese people in integrating into the finnish culture and society.

Website,  Facebook

The United Nations of Turku Associations is a non-profit, non-political organization established in 1963 to promote international and national rapport and the peaceful activities of the peoples. The association promotes the goals and principles of the UN by reporting on the UN and other international questions.


The association organises parties and events as well as classes on their language and culture.




Turku Women’s Centre offers a multicultural activities and support for women. Their main goal is to enhance the people’s welfare and equality in society.


The ideological bases for the operation are the highlighted ideals of humane, anti-war and international joint responsibility. The association works to promote peace, disarmament, tolerance, human rights and universal equality.


The purpose of the association is to help the Afghans of Turku to maintain their culture and cultural heritage. They also aim to improve the cultural exchange between the Afghan, the Finnish and other groups living in Finland.

They also have dance, music and sport groups and organise events and language classes.


Independent of religion and politics the association aims to break the barriers between Finnish and Iraqi people.

The association organises trips and parties among others.

Our association was founded in November 2009 in the finnish city of Turku in purpose to unite and represent Ukrainians living in Finland, preserve and popularise Ukrainian people’s cultural heritage, acquaint Finnish society with traditions, history and culture of Ukraine.


Bosnialaisten kulttuurikeskus Suomessa ry was established in Turku in 2002.

The association aims to maintain their language and culture, enhance integration to the Finnish society and work against racism and prejudice.

They also organise parties, events, camps and sport and leisure clubs.


The association supports people who have been in the prison camp during the Bosnian war.

The purpose of the association is to maintain the cultural identity of the Russian youths and children who live in Finland as well as preserving cultural traditions, promoting cultural exchange and prevent youth’s drug use.  The association also goes by the name SFERA culture and sports center. They have diverse activities such as camps, clubs and themed evenings. The center is located in Varissuo.


Established in 1998, Albaaniyhdistys Baskimi ry’s main goal is the preservation of their own language, culture and identity in a new environment. The association especially strives to support the knowledge of their history and roots of the children and youths born in Finland. The association organizes music nights and various sport activities.
